
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

A ‘behind the scenes’ blooper

Still image from Roisin, Romesh and Josh’s ‘blooper’, showing the moment just before Josh smacks Alex on the bottom.Another still image from the ‘blooper’ video, showing Alex emerging, drenched, from the paddling pool.

The youngsters introduce their ‘home video’ as a “behind the scenes” look at the filming of Taskmaster.

In the video, Josh pretends to talk about a ‘fun’ task that Romesh is about to undertake, in which he has to count all of the ‘hundreds and thousands’ on a cake.

The camera then moves to focus on a debate between Romesh and Alex over whether one of the sugary strands is “a hundred or a thousand”.

After some shaky camera-work, Roisin (the camera operator) focuses on Alex, who is bent over with his face perilously close to the cake, while arguing with Romesh over the definition.

Roisin then encourages Josh, who is stood behind Alex, to smack him on the bottom.

As he does so, Alex plunges his face into the cake, covering it in icing. As Alex expresses his anger at Josh, Roisin apologises to him, explaining that it was her idea.

As Alex turns towards Roisin, revealing the mess on his face, he disappears out of view, and the camera pans down to reveal that he has fallen into a paddling pool full of water.

Back in the studio, Greg claims that it was, without doubt, the worst acting he had ever seen committed to camera. He quickly clarifies that Alex’s performance had been great, and Roisin defends herself, claiming that, if anything, she had gotten too far into her role and been “too method”.

Greg then points out that all of the funniest bits of the video were performed by Alex – his assistant – rather than by any of the contestants themselves.

Alex also points out that much of the action of his fall was missed due to Roisin’s camera-work, which she defends as having to “Blair Witch” it to help sell the illusion that it was a real home movie blooper.

Despite attempting to defend their creation, Romesh eventually admits that “it is a lot shitter than I thought it was going to look”.

The youngsters are placed last in the task, earning no points for their effort.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Another still image from the ‘blooper’ video, showing Alex emerging, drenched, from the paddling pool.