Play mini golf with eggs

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is found on top of a golf bag on the driveway of the Taskmaster house. The brief for the task is as follows:
Get the lowest golf score using eggs.
You must complete the five holes using chickens eggs.
Your score will be calculated as follows: shots times eggs times minutes.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- The contestants enter the Taskmaster house property through the main gate to find a golf bag and a mini golf course set up on the driveway and garden.
- Each hole of the golf course is in the shape of a letter, with a ‘T’ and an ‘M’ encountered first on the driveway (standing form the words ‘Task’ and ‘Master’, with the ‘T’ presumably serving double duty as the ‘T’ at the start of Tim’s name), and an ‘F’, ‘J’, and ‘R’ on the lawn (standing for ‘Frank’, ‘Josh’, and ‘Roisin’ and ‘Romesh’).
- The flags in each of the holes feature an image of Greg’s face.
- The ‘F’ hole features a windmill as an obstacle.
- The ‘J’ hole features a shallow yellow ramp as an obstacle.
- The ‘R’ hole features a TV as an obstacle, with a small tunnel through the middle, and Greg’s face partially obscured by static on the screen (although this appears to have been added in post-production).
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.