
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Frank shows off his skills

Image showing Frank Skinner adopting a snooker technique to get his egg through the TV tunnel obstacle of the ‘R’-shaped mini golf hole.

Frank, an experienced golfer, shares that he’s heard that, if you hit an egg on its point, it doesn’t break. This is proven wrong immediately with his first shot.

Later, he shares the observation that “you have to hit them a bit harder as they bleed”.

He changes out his club after a while because the one he was using had gotten “a bit egg-y”.

He utilises an advanced golfing technique to get an egg through the TV tunnel, using the handle of the golf club like a snooker cue.

He then impresses everyone by using a chip-shot to get an egg over the barrier walls of the ‘F’ hole, to cut a corner.

Alex reveals that Frank took 32 shots over 7 minutes (though it must have actually been 6 minutes and 51 seconds, based on the maths), using 5 eggs, giving him a score of 1,096.

As a result, he is awarded second place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores