
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Romesh - the vegan - destroys all the eggs

Image showing Romesh Ranganathan in the process of destroying yet another egg on the ramp obstacle of the ‘J’-shaped mini golf hole.

In the studio, Romesh shares that he is morally opposed to the whole game, because he is a vegan.

Alex points out that he can’t have been THAT morally opposed, given how quickly he jumped into completing the task.

The video of Romesh’s attempt then shows him destroying egg after egg.

He apparently uses over two dozen eggs on one of the holes alone, struggling with the ramp obstacle in particular, and 36 eggs in total (which was the total supply of eggs available to him) without completing the course.

Back in the studio, Greg asks Romesh why he hates chickens so much.

Romesh claims to be genuinely distraught by his own actions, but appears mostly annoyed that he ran out of eggs before he could complete the course.

Alex reports that Romesh took 68 shots over 14 minutes and 20 seconds, and used 36 eggs, giving him a total score of 35,088.

Unsurprisingly, Romesh places last in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores