Play mini golf with eggs

Task types:

Task brief
The task brief is laid at the start of a mini golf hole in the garden, behind the outhouse. The brief for the task is as follows:
Play miniature golf with eggs.
Once the game begins, you can’t touch the egg.
If the egg breaks, you must start over again.

Task notes
- Attached to the back of the outhouse, there is a sign reading ‘MINIEGGOLF’, a frame which presumably contains the rules of the game, a basket full of raw eggs, and a mini golf club holder with two clubs in it.
- Although not seen being read in the edit of the task itself, Olli clarifies in the studio that the objective of the task is to get an egg into the hole in the fewest strokes possible.
Task stats


It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!