
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Frank prepares a conceptually strong menu

Image of Frank Skinner awaiting Alex Horne’s taste-testing notes on his menu.Image showing the entirety of Frank’s menu.

Frank’s full list of ingredients is as follows: Aubergine, Beef [steak], Carrots, Dill, Edam, Fennel, Gravy, Hollandaise [sauce], Ice cream [Kelly’s Clotted Cream ice cream, in particular], Jam, Kiwi, Leaks, Mint, Nuts, Orange, Potato, Quince jelly, Rabbit, Strawberry, Tonic water [originally Turmeric], Ugly fruit [originally ‘Uppensell’, whatever that is...], Vinegar, Watercress, Xylophone, Yoghurt, and Zucchini.

Frank’s starter is a rabbit and watercress soup which he names ‘Watercress Down’ (a reference to the animation ‘Watership Down’, which was about rabbits).

His main course (‘Beef Au Van’) is a steak with zucchini wheels, holding a ‘cargo’ of hollandaise mashed potato, with aubergine on the side, topped with gravy.

His dessert is an ‘Ugly fruit and vegetable salad’, which Alex describes as being “ugly in the mouth”.

Frank opts to use his xylophone to present the final course of Edam slices with a strawberry garnish.

His drink appears to be largely mint leaf and tonic water.

Greg ultimately places Frank first in the task based on the thought and presentation that went into his meal.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Image showing the entirety of Frank’s menu.

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