Claudia fails to find vinegar
Upon entering the room and seeing the colourful shot glasses, Claudia admits that she's a ‘bad drunk’ and had to take a nap at her own wedding.
She is quick to identify that there is no way that all of the shot glasses could contain vinegar.
Claudia’s approach is to have a small taste of the contents of each shot glass by dabbing her finger into each and then onto her tongue.
She develops a theory that the liquids have been arranged in stripes according to whether they are sweet or sour. This theory apparently very quickly falls apart.
At one point, she realises that she can rope Alex in to taste some of the shots for her, though she doesn’t ever really appear to fully exploit this approach.
She eventually decides that none of the shot glasses contain vinegar, and shouts “I’ve drunk all the vinegar” to end the task.
Back in the studio, Claudia admits that she’d begun to unravel during the task. Alex recounts that she’d shouted at him for the rest of the day, calling him “a horrible, horrible man”.
Alex confirms that there was, in fact, one shot of vinegar on the table. Video footage then shows how she used her ‘dab and taste’ method to test pretty much all of the adjacent glasses on the table, but had somehow missed the correct one.
Because she did not drink all of the vinegar, Claudia scored no points in this task.
(Written by Hanny Time and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)