
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Doc invents a potato retrieval device

Doc decides to take no precautions and throw the potato straight at the hole, missing by just inches, before realising his error.

He then tapes a crutch to a broom, to use as a potato retrieval tool. He returns to his starting point and has another go at throwing the potato, which appears to bounce off the rim of the hole.

Doc then has to extend his potato retrieval device slightly by attaching a funnel to the end of it. He swaggers back around to the starting point, holding his ridiculous invention aloft as if it is some kind of badass weapon, before successfully getting the potato into the hole on his third attempt.

In celebration, he shares that he is feeling confident about his attempt, and would be keeping the potato retrieval device, of which he was so proud, for use in a later task.

Back in the studio, Greg calls Doc “the shit Dalek”, and Alex reveals that he took 6 minutes and 59 seconds to complete the task. With Joe’s disqualification from the task, Doc places fourth.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores