
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Doc is not an 'egg man'

Doc first words, upon entering the lab, are “Oh man… I hate eggs!”

In order to verify whether or not the egg is raw, he bites into the top of it and peels away a small piece of the shell. He states that he is not going to eat it raw, as he was really “not an egg man”, and had only recently started eating poached eggs.

He heads to the kitchen, where he scrambles the egg on the stove, taking the time to season it with pepper.

He then rushes back into the lab with his bowl of seasoned, scrambled egg, shovelling it into his mouth with a wooden spoon while pointing out how hot it still is.

Back in the studio, Alex points out how surprised Doc was that it was hot.

Doc reiterates that he is “not an egg man” and explains that eggs had always creeped him out a little, ever since his sister told him that they were the chicken equivalent of a menstrual period.

Greg points out that he knew Doc was not an ‘egg man’ the moment he opted to break into it with his mouth.

Alex reveals that Doc “achieved egg” in 3 minutes and 35 seconds, earning him second place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

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