
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Katherine sips raw egg

Katherine cracks open the egg and pours it into the egg-cup while bemoaning how she had probably already lost to one of the “disgusting boys”, who, she assumed, would probably have already eaten it raw immediately.

She encounters the same issue as Jon, in that the volume of the egg is slightly too much for the egg-cup, leading to the thick part of the white goop-ing out over the edge, and onto the table.

She attempts to work up the courage to swallow the egg raw but, instead of just throwing it back and getting it over with, makes it worse by trying to sip it from the egg-cup. Although she admits that it isn’t that bad, she just cannot make herself eat the egg raw.

It does not appear to occur to her for one moment that she could have cooked the egg.

Back in the studio, Greg is quick to point out that the “disgusting boys” had all, so far, “beautifully seasoned and displayed” their eggs.

Katherine earns no points for her attempt, having consumed so little of the egg.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores