
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Katherine isn't from here

Katherine’s approach to ordering the largest size of pizza is to turn to Starbucks coffee terminology with ‘venti’.

Instead of saying ‘pepperoni’, she asks for “the one that’s, like, circles”.

She straight-up asks for the pizza to be “without tomato”, setting off the silent buzzer.

Trying to order bacon, she describes it as “the breakfast kind” of meat or pork (unclear from the edit), which works perfectly.

She appears to find the entire task incredibly straightforward, and states as much after hanging up the phone with the hubristic exclamation “Easy! So easy!”. She then immediately worries that she might not have told the man on the phone that she did not want cheese, so calls him back to correct that, with the phrase “I don’t want the pie to have the stuff on it that melts”. She claims to have forgotten the word for this melty stuff, using the excuse (in her very strong North American accent) that she is “not from England”. Amazingly, this works for her.

Back in the studio, Alex confirms that Katherine had only used one forbidden word. However he also shares that the pizza received did have tomato on it, even though she explicitly requested none.

Returning to the footage of her attempt to get the worker to say the word ‘bubbles’ we see that she is capitalising on her apparent cheese amnesia by describing how it “gets puffed up with air” when it melts, forming “pockets of air”. When the man fails to understand what she is getting at, she switched tack to talk about how “you blow them, they’re in the bath-tub and stuff”. Once she mentions soap, the worker cottons on and finally says the word ‘bubbles’.

Summing up the task, Alex states that Katherine’s pizza had been the third most accurate order received.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores