
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Order a pizza without using certain words

Pizza box sitting on the living room table next to an old-fashioned rotary phone.
Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Order the following pizza for the Taskmaster: an extra large vegetarian pizza with pepperoni and bacon, without tomato and cheese.

You may not use the following words: extra; large; vegetarian; pizza; pepperoni; bacon; tomato; cheese.

You get a bonus point if you can make the pizza person say the word 'bubbles'.

Task notes

  • This was the second time this task had been used. A version recorded with the cast of series 1 was not included in any of the episodes, but a highlights video was posted on the UKTV YouTube channel to promote the show, in 2015.
  • A silent alarm in the form of a lightbulb is positioned on the table in front of the contestants, and lights up any time they use one of the forbidden words.
  • However, the contestants' use of the supposedly forbidden words actually has no effect at all on how the points are assigned in this task - it is instead based entirely on how accurate the order collected from the pizza restaurants was.
  • This hardly seems fair, since the restaurant workers apparently made faults in preparing some of the orders despite reasonably clear instructions from the contestants.

Task stats
