Order a pizza without using certain words

Task types:

Bonus points?
Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Order a custom pizza for the Taskmaster.
The pizza to order is an extra-large vegetarian pizza with bacon and pepperoni, and without tomato or cheese.
However, you may not use any of these words when you place the order.
You'll earn a bonus point if you can get the worker to say 'marine weather'.
The most successful execution wins.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Janne's attempt results in one mistake with the pizza that is delivered, as it has tomato sauce. Janne is able to get the person on the other end of the phone to say "Marine Weather" but does not get a bonus point because he used several forbidden words (including 'extra large', 'vegetarian', and 'pizza').
- Jenni's attempt results in two mistakes with the pizza that is delivered, as it has both tomato sauce and cheese. Jenni was not able to get the person on the other end of the phone to say "Marine Weather".
- Jukka's first attempt to call the pizza restaurant is disconnected. After calling them back, he is able to order a pizza which is delivered with no mistakes. He is also able to get the employee to say "Marine Weather", so he receives a bonus point.
- Miita initially calls a pizza restaurant that does not deliver to the Suurmestari mansion. She offers to pay an extra 100 euros for them to deliver, claiming that the pizza is for the President of Finland, but they decline. The second place she calls does deliver to the mansion, but the employee says that they are too busy for her complicated instructions, telling her to instead write them down and send them to the restaurant. Miita claims that she is blind, and continues with her order. The pizza is delivered with four mistakes: it does not have pepperoni, and it has toppings that she had not ordered (lemon mayo, ham, and jalapeno peppers). Despite making the worker very angry for wasting his time, she is able to get him to say "Marine Weather", and receives a bonus point.
- Roni's attempt results in two mistakes with the pizza that is delivered, as it has both tomato sauce and cheese. Roni is not able to get the person on the other end of the phone to say "Marine Weather".
(Source credit: TRoosevelt1776)