
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Suurmestari House (Seasons 1 - 2)


Kulosaari Manor is located on the shore of the Naurissalmi strait, opposite Kulosaari island, in Helsinki, Finland.

The history of the estate goes back to the middle of the 16th century, and the current main building was designed by Pehr Granstedt around 1811-1815.

The tobacco drying barn or tobacco barn from the 1750s is the oldest surviving building in the manor area. Today, it is part of the Herttoniemi plantation garden area and is used as a meeting and party space.

Recently, the mansion has been leased to the Helsinki joint organisation of the Association of Public and Welfare Sectors, but this organisation's activities ended in September 2023.

Taskmaster connection

The mansion and its grounds were used for the production of filmed tasks during the first two seasons of Suurmestari.