
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Order a pizza without using certain words

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Order this pizza for the Director of the Universe:

Vegetarian jumbo pizza with kulen and bacon, without tomatoes and cheese.

You may not use the following words: jumbo, biggest, vegetarian, pizza, kulen, bacon, tomato, cheese.

You can earn a bonus point if you manage to persuade the person on the phone to say 'bubbles'.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Enio is very successful at leading the person on the other end of the call to fill in the forbidden words. He asks the employee to list what food items are on offer and what ingredients can be used, in a way that mostly sounds like a normal conversation. He stumbles a bit when he needs to refer to cheese, and covers by faking an accent and claiming vocabulary ignorance. He takes 4 minutes and 50 seconds to order, having not used any of the forbidden words, but did not fulfill the 'vegetarian' aspect of the task. Enio earns a bonus point by ordering sparkling water and asking leading questions about whether it would be old and flat upon delivery, then later offers to pay extra for the pizza in his frustration to earn the bonus point. His successful question is not shown, but he still earns a bonus point. Enio earns three points, plus the bonus point, bringing his total for the task to four.
  • Ante struggles with ordering. The questions he uses to attempt to get the employee to fill the order are awkward definitions of the item (for example, "I want to order the pie that Italians invented in Naples"). He takes 4 minutes and 52 seconds to order, but did not fulfill the 'vegetarian' aspect of the task, and used the forbidden word 'biggest'. Ante earns a bonus point by claiming that he does not know the Croatian word for the spheres that can be found in carbonated drinks. Ante earns two points, plus the bonus point, bringing his total for the task to three.
  • Igor fares well at ordering, and is usually successful in asking leading questions, but uses a few of the forbidden words during the conversation. He takes 3 minutes and 11 seconds to order, did not fulfill the 'no tomato sauce or cheese' aspect of the task, and used the forbidden word 'biggest'. Igor's successful bonus point attempt isn't shown much, but the conversation implies that he was asking about carbonated juices to go with his delivery. Igor earns four points, plus the bonus point, bringing his total for the task to five.
  • Lidija isn't bad at asking questions that prompt the employee to offer up the forbidden word ingredients, but she uses other forbidden word ingredients in the process of getting there without realising it (for example, she uses the word 'tomato' a few times while trying to get the employee to say 'cheese'). She takes 6 minutes and 12 seconds to order. Lidija earns a bonus point by asking about the word for the thing that appears when pouring liquids into glass. Lidija earns one point, plus the bonus point, bringing her total for the task to two.
  • Ana first dials an incorrect number, which gives an English-language recording that the number is disconnected. This may have inspired her, because when she calls the pizzeria, she only speaks in English, claiming that her Croatian is bad. She still avoids the English translations of the forbidden words (for example, referring to "pizza" as "special dish"), even though it's possible she would have been allowed. She mimes the words she's attempting to describe while on the phone, to the delight of the entire studio. She takes 2 minutes and 36 seconds to order, but did not fulfill the 'no tomato sauce or cheese' aspect of the task. Ana does not attempt the bonus task, as she forgot about it while she was on the phone, and did not want to call back. She earns one point.

(Source credit: Jenny R)