
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The most important document

Image of the pool of prize submissions submitted by the contestants in the 'The most important document' task.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in the most important document.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Igor brings in his Croatian citizenship certificate. Igor claims this certificate is the most important document for all Herzegovinians (Igor is from Herzegovina, which borders Croatia), especially since the Bosnian War. He makes some sort of implied reference to his father's participation in the war, which prompts Ivan to reply that it is only an important document until whomever holds it is captured by the division of state police that investigates corruption and organised crime, in which case the most important document would be a Bosnian passport. Igor's citisenship earns him three points - and Ivan reveals it's only that high because Igor still votes in Croatian elections.
  • Ante brings in his university withdrawal letter. Ante withdrew from an Economics programme, and stated in his letter "There is no point to this, I have lost motivation." Lidija, and later Ivan, admit that they too dropped out of the same programme. Although the letter goes on to win two points, Ivan takes the side of Ante's disappointed mother and deducts one of those points.
  • Lidija brings her Covid vaccine passport. Possession of this certificate allows travel throughout the EU. Ivan points out that everyone present also has the same certificate. She is awarded one point.
  • Ana brings in an Elite Diamond black credit card. The card is used specifically for a private hospital that specialises in plastic surgery. Ivan notices that the credit card seems well-used. She is awarded four points.
  • Enio brings in 200 kuna (about £23) - which he'd forgotten he submitted until it showed up on the screen. Enio argues that money can cure loneliness and depression, as 200 kuna is enough to buy a round of drinks for two people. Ivan reminds the audience that Enio is a politician who is now publicly declaring that he considers money to be the most important document. Ivan seems touched by the justification, and awards Enio five points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)