The most outlandish souvenir

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Bring in the most outlandish souvenir.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Janne brings in a copper kettle from Turkey.
- Jenni brings in a bread roll (still wrapped) from a flight she was on several months earlier. She says she accidently kept it because the tray at her seat was too small, so she'd put it in her pocket and forgot about it.
- Jukka brings in his lucky cane, which has a bronze cobra head for a handle. He claims that this cane got him out of a speeding ticket when he was in Texas. He says the police officer was so suprised to see him come out of his car in a g-string, with a fresh "USA" brand on his butt (done as part of one of his stunts) that he let Jukka drive away without a ticket.
- Miita brings in a fur coat from a hitchhiking road trip she took across Europe when she was 18.
- Roni brings in a Fort Boyard coin that he stole after winning a contest in 2018.
(Source credit: TRoosevelt1776)