
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ève's inappropriate repertoire

Ève is initially seen working through her entrire reportoire of inappropriate nursery rhymes, including such lyrics as...

A guy who beats his wife
That's a son of a bitch!
That's a son of a bitch!
A guy who beats his wife
That's a son of a bitch of a good guy!


Asshole that makes some
wind to make my kite fly!


Did you see the priest walk with a boner
The nuns titties and my lord's pecker
A little liquor for the choir kids


In the winter fuck it's slippery like shit
Not a slap dammit it'll slide like a bitch.

She finally settles on the slightly more appropriate...

Ti-Jo Rochon's little girl took some
pig hair to make herself some mittens
Her little sister by pure fantasy took some
sow's hair and made herself some too

...which she then performs while pretending to play the piano, revealing at the end that she is wearing such a pair of sow-hair mittens.

She earns joint second place, with Jo, for her performance.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores