
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jo makes a ball pyramid

Jo recklessly kicks one ball up the hill, and then charges at it to intercept its return, while carrying a second ball.

He then propels one of the balls up the slope with his hands, and rolls the second after it.

He manages to get both balls up to the mat, and then tries to use the mat as a sled to come back down the hill, which proves very much ineffective.

He returns down the slope to collect the third ball which, again, he kicks up the slope and chases after.

Getting all three balls together at the top of the hill, he then tries laying the yoga mat on top of them to prevent them rolling.

He then re-reads the task brief and realises that the balls must be on top of the mat (not the other way around).

While he is doing this, one of the balls rolls out from beneath the mat, and back down the slope.

He charges and kicks it again, and then has to dash off to the side of the slope to prevent it rolling back down.

Instead of lining all three balls up on top of the mat, he tries to balance one of them on top of the other two, but is initially unable to keep them that way without his hands.

He tries a second time, standing facing the balls and using his body to hold them in place.

He completes the task after 3 minutes and 35 seconds, earning fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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