
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kristoffer's sweaty boxers

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Kristoffer shares that, in 2020, he and his then fiancé went on a three week journey in the mountainous region of Jotunheimen, and had needed to pack lightly, so he'd worn a single pair of boxer shorts for the entire trip. He then shares that he'd kept those boxers, unwashed, in a plastic zip-lock bag ever since the trip, as a memento. He then proceeds to open that bag and take a big sniff of the boxers, against the protests of Martha and Henriette, either side of him. Apparently unconvinced by his story, Live voluntarily takes them off of him and has a sniff for herself, which she immediately regrets. Atle then also voluntarily smells the sweaty boxers, for some reason, and also regrets his actions. By this time, the odour from the garment is starting to spread across the stage, and Martha and Henriette have to get some distance from them. Olli smartly refuses the offer of a sniff, but some members of the audience take Kristoffer up on his offer, before throwing them back at him in disgust. He is eventually persuaded to return the offending item to its bag, but it's clear that the smell is going to linger for some time afterwards, with Atle joking that the entire theatre should be burned down and rebuilt. After the visceral impact of his prize submission, it's unsurprising that he earns first place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores