
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill the enclosure with hedgehogs

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found next to a miniature caravan with its own tiny picket fence, next to the full size caravan in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Fill the enclosure with hedgehogs.

The number of hedgehogs inside the fence is multiplied by the seconds you spend on the task.

The task is over when you shout, 'Done, easy as pie!.'

The fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • A large number of ceramic hedgehogs are hidden in the garden: on the lawn, in trees, and on the caravan.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Live initially thinks for a moment that she might be looking for real hedgehogs, which she loves. Excited by the idea of hunting for hedgehogs, she misses the key information in the task brief about how their time is calculated, and sets about finding as many as she can. In fact, after finishing her attempt, she is so disappointed to discover that she missed some of them, that the production team decide to let her have a second go at the task. She snaps up this opportunity with enthusiasm, and acts like it is her first go at the task, as she collects even more of the hedgehogs the second time around. Olli then gives her the choice, in studio, of which attempt she would like to count as her official attempt. Now having a slightly better understanding of the task, she chooses her first attempt. It's then revealed that it doesn't actually matter which one she chose, as she was in last place on both versions. However, since Espen failed to complete the task, she earns fourth place with her total time of 52 minutes 30 seconds (2 minutes 55 seconds x 18 hedgehogs).
  • Henriette also seems unsure at the start whether the hedgehogs are real or not. Having discovered that they are not, she collects them with enthusiasm. Her final time is 6 minutes 25 seconds, though it is not specified how many hedgehogs she collected, or how long she took. She therefore earns second place. [Note: based on her final time, and the footage shown, it seems likely that she collected 11 hedgehogs in just 35 seconds.]
  • Espen's eagle eye spots the information in the task brief about how the time is calculated, so he calls out the phrase to signify he has completed the task almost immediately, without putting any hedgehogs in the enclosure. His rationale is that any length of time multiplied by zero hedgehogs will come out as zero seconds, winning him the task. What he forgets is that it is not possible to fill an enclosure with zero hedgehogs - there must be at least one present. He therefore fails the task, despite his seemingly smart solution, and earns no points.
  • Martha has problems pronouncing the words 'enclosure' and 'multiplied', and also doesn't seem to understand what 'multiplied' means. It is therefore unsurprising that, like Live and Henriette, she sets about enthusiastically collecting as many hedgehogs as she can. She earns third place with her total time of 42 minutes 14 seconds (3 minutes 1 second x 14 hedgehogs).
  • Kristoffer spots that it doesn't matter how many hedgehogs he collects, as long as there is at least one in the enclosure when he ends the task. He therefore grabs the nearest one, drops it in the enclosure, and speaks the necessary phrase to mark the end of his attempt in just 5 seconds, earning first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)