
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fell all the ducks

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Fell all the rubber ducks.

Fastest wins.

You must be behind the rope when the ducks are felled.

Your time starts when the first rubber duck falls.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jessica sources some things from the shed, including hula hoops, a kickboard for the swimming pool, and a large net. It’s very clear that Jessica has no plan, as early on she puts a few table tennis balls in the net and flings it towards the ducks, hoping to turn the table tennis balls into projectiles. After trial and error of throwing and/or rolling a lot of things, Jessica stumbles across some semblance of a plan by hitting tennis balls towards the ducks, but eventually gives up on that plan as well. Exasperated, Jessica finally moves the rope and stanchions up to each fence. She kicks the first two fences to remove the ducks, but for some reason, repeatedly throws a basketball at the third fence to fell the ducks, instead of just shaking the fence or running her hand along the top of it. In the studio, Nuno plays a clip of when Jessica decided to use a hose to spray water at the ducks, but is thwarted by a very persistent hole in the hosepipe. The clip ends with a frustrated Jessica actually trying to throw the still-attached hose at the ducks. Still, Jessica fells all the ducks in 19 minutes 13 seconds and comes last.
  • Gilmário takes a stack of traffic cones from the shed, with the intent of throwing them at the ducks. His first throw hits the lowest fence and fells all of those ducks. He fells most of the ducks on the second fence with the rest of the cones, but it’s clear that the cones lose most of their velocity by the time they reach the second fence, and will not be able to fell the ducks on the final fence. Gilmário switches to throwing a basketball as well as a few lemons he pulls from one of the trees on the Taskmaster property. He quickly realises the lemons aren’t heavy enough, and fells the rest of the ducks with the basketball. Gilmário, who was mocked for estimating that he finished the task in five minutes, actually managed to fell all the ducks in 3 minutes 11 seconds, and wins the task.
  • Fernando pulls out several balls from the shed. He kicks a basketball at the lowest fence and fells all of those ducks. He fells most of the ducks from the second fence by kicking the ball again. After missing a few more shots, Fernando switches to a bow and arrow, but does not have much luck hitting the ducks. After throwing a few smaller balls, Fernando switches back to the basketball. After successfully felling most of the ducks on the final fence with one kick of the basketball, Fernando becomes cocky and puts one of the felled ducks back onto the fence. Fernando fells all the ducks in 14 minutes 40 seconds and comes third.
  • Inês begins by throwing rowing paddles at the fences, having Nuno retrieve them for her after every throw. She also decides that Nuno can assist with knocking down the ducks, so he throws the paddles a few times as well. She eventually moves on to throwing an empty bucket and a basketball before deciding to try using a hose. After Inês is unable to fell a single duck from the water pressure, she gets the idea to trap the hose in the fence to pull it over, but she neglects to actually tie the hose around the fence and just manages to pull the hose towards herself. She rectifies her mistake, and by pulling the rope, manages to shake the final ducks off of the fence. Inês fells all the ducks in 16 minutes 36 seconds and comes fourth.
  • Toy sources several items from the shed, but when moving them to the throwing line, decides he wants to start off by using the hose to spray water at the ducks. When the water pressure isn’t enough, Toy tries rolling a wheelbarrow at the fences, but completely misses. He then starts to throw a kickboard at the fences, and actually fells quite a few ducks with it. After trying (and failing) with the bow and arrow, Toy finds a rope and ties it around the final fence, and by pulling the rope, manages to shake the final ducks off of the fence. Toy fells all the ducks in 11 minutes 20 seconds and comes second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)