
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ève recovers from failure and takes a huge risk

Ève starts creating a long cone of paper, on the top of which she hopes to balance the egg.

Once she has made it a respectable length, she carefully trims the bottom so that it will stand on its own, on the table surface.

She then cuts the top of the cone off, to create a hole large enough to hold the egg, forgetting that the folded part of that end is the only thing holding the entire structure together.

It immediately uncoils and falls apart in a comical manner, leaving all of her work undone.

Unfazed, she decides to take the egg outside and throw it up into the air instead (first ensuring that she at least has the tape measure clipped to her waistband, so no-one can argue that she didn't use any of the objects on the table).

Standing on the gravel, she is able to throw the egg straight up into the air and then catch it without it breaking.

In the studio, Antoine confirms that the egg reached a height of 304cm.

She therefore earns second place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores