
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ève and Matthieu constantly miss the target

Matthieu begins trying to crack open coconuts, while Ève attempts to fill balloons with flour using a funnel.

Matthieu then identifies that they could use the coconut water to make the flour into a dough, making it easier to throw, and begins mixing up a such a dough in a bowl.

Ève's first ambitious plan is to inflate her flour-filled balloon, throw it onto the target, and then pop it with a dart.

She then switches to cutting open the cuddly stuffed panda toy with the scissors, filling it up with flour, and flinging that at the target.

Unfortunately, she throws the panda too far.

Matthieu, meanwhile, is discovering that his dough is much stickier than he anticipated, and has to add more flour.

He attempts to throw a ball of the dough at the target, but his throw falls short.

Ève's own attempts to throw balls of dough do hit the target, but then roll off.

She switches to using the funnel to fill a coconut with flour, while Matthieu ties a brick to the balloon she had previously inflated.

He manages to just land the brick on the target, with the balloon hanging off the edge by its string tether, while Ève's coconut throw unfortunately falls short.

She fills another coconut half with flour while Matthieu struggles to get flour into another balloon.

It is at this late stage that they discover the tank of helium, and try to use it to fill a balloon, but discover that it has a hole in it.

In the final seconds, they successfully get flour and helium into another balloon, and try to burst it with a dart while it is over the target, but that whole plan falls apart in every possible way.

In the studio, Antoine reveals that the team did not get enough flour onto the target to measure.

Louis awards them 2 points each.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)