
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Al, Dave and Paul

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Dave asks where his teammates are, and we see Al and Paul sitting on the bench on the far bank, and Paul asking if the person on the other side is Sara. Dave starts out trying to mime a book title, communicating that the first word is ‘The’, and then getting down and crawling along the ground. After Paul guesses it’s Jurassic Park, Al politely points out to him that the title’s not ‘The Jurassic Park’. To his teammates’ surprise, Dave then jumps down onto the foreshore of the river, having spotted someone down there who he thinks can help him out with the task. It turns out to be the TV presenter Ben Fogle, who is coincidentally doing a photoshoot at the same location. Dave gets him to shout out all of the remaining titles from the cards to Al and Paul, who just repeat everything that they hear. It takes the team just five minutes to correctly guess 19 out of the 20 titles, with the only one they missed being Dave Gorman’s own show Modern life is Goodish (which Alex also incorrectly names as ‘Modern Life is Rubbish’, in the studio, before quickly correcting himself). It is confirmed, in the studio, that there was nothing in the task brief which stated that the teams couldn’t get Ben Fogle to shout out all of the answers for them, so the team earns 5 points.

(Written by JoGo and edited by Karl Craven)