
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Play charades across a river

Four large foam hands, two blue and two red, placed on a park bench with a sealed task brief bridging the two sets of hands.
Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Wearing one of these hands on each of your hands at all times, communicate to your teammate(s) the names of these films, books, and TV programmes.

You may not raise your voice.

Most correct answers wins.

You have 10 minutes.

Your time starts when the whistle’s blown.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Sara, standing on a bench on the bank of the river, immediately recognises Rob, who is on the far bank. However, Rob has no idea who he’s paired up with, and shouts “Who are you?” across the river. Sara mishears this, and yells back “I’m alright! How are you?”. Rob then asks Sara what her name is, which very much confuses her. In the studio, Alex confirms that they had been stood about 500 feet apart. Back at the river, Rob starts the game by trying to mime The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Sara identifies that it is a book, and then Rob does a very half-hearted impression of a lion roaring and waving it’s paw. He then seems to give up, as he then shouts “Mad Max?”. Sara comments that Rob isn’t doing much and that, unless the book he’s trying to mime is called “The Boring Shrug”, she has no idea what it is. Rob moves on to trying to mime The Bible, just as a plane flies overhead, meaning that he can’t hear anything Sara says for some time. As Rob starts gesturing to the plane, Sara asks if it’s something to do with football. She then just starts guessing random titles, including Gone with the Wind, War and Peace, Sense and Sensibility, and The Beach. Rob can’t hear anything, but Sara continues with 1984, Animal Farm, Eastenders, Neighbours, and Strictly Come Dancing. Rob is getting more and more annoyed with the task, but starts looking through the cards he’s holding and spots that one of them is, indeed, 1984. Rob then starts trying to do a charade for a film, but Sara has been distracted by a small dog (called Nelly) on its walk. Rob then tries to mime All the Single Ladies by Beyonce by imitating the iconic dance from the music video. Sara starts guessing various songs which have ‘walk’ or ‘walking’ in the title, including Walking on the Moon. Rob gets annoyed at Sara’s guesses, but she does eventually land on the correct song title, just before their time is up. In the studio, Alex reveals that Sara had correctly guessed 1984 and War and Peace, and that a passer-by had correctly guessed Batman, without Rob having done anything to try to communicate them. However, with a score of seven correct answers out of 20, the team earns zero points.
  • Dave asks where his teammates are, and we see Al and Paul sitting on the bench on the far bank, and Paul asking if the person on the other side is Sara. Dave starts out trying to mime a book title, communicating that the first word is ‘The’, and then getting down and crawling along the ground. After Paul guesses it’s Jurassic Park, Al politely points out to him that the title’s not ‘The Jurassic Park’. To his teammates’ surprise, Dave then jumps down onto the foreshore of the river, having spotted someone down there who he thinks can help him out with the task. It turns out to be the TV presenter Ben Fogle, who is coincidentally doing a photoshoot at the same location. Dave gets him to shout out all of the remaining titles from the cards to Al and Paul, who just repeat everything that they hear. It takes the team just five minutes to correctly guess 19 out of the 20 titles, with the only one they missed being Dave Gorman’s own show Modern life is Goodish (which Alex also incorrectly names as ‘Modern Life is Rubbish’, in the studio, before quickly correcting himself). It is confirmed, in the studio, that there was nothing in the task brief which stated that the teams couldn’t get Ben Fogle to shout out all of the answers for them, so the team earns 5 points.

(Source credit: JoGo)