Move water from one bucket to another

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Move the water from Bucket A to Bucket B.
You must not move the buckets.
Most water moved wins.
You have 10 minutes.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- The task takes place on the athletics track at the Barn Elms Sports Trust sports centre.
- Two metal buckets have been placed on the track: bucket ‘A’, at the start of the track, is full of water; bucket ‘B’ is further down the track, and empty.
- Alex is seated in an umpire’s chair at the start of the track.
- Next to bucket ‘A’, there is a pile of mostly useless supplies which the contestants may choose to use to help them transport the water, including: a woolly hat, a colander, a bag of frozen peas with a hole in the corner, a tray, a string bag, a roll of tape, a short length of hosepipe, and a coconut.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Paul begins by asking what the coconut is for, while looking at the hosepipe. He is then seen taping the string bag to the colander, and trying scoop water from the bucket with them, along with the tray. For some reason, the colander has some peas in it. He also tries using the woolly hat and then opts to use the plastic bag. In the studio, Alex confirms that Paul had managed to cover up the holes in the bag. Paul did two trips between the buckets with his bag, transferring 4 centimetres of water. This earns him third place.
- Before his attempt is shown, Rob notes how cold it had been, when he’d filmed this task, and Alex confirms that it had been -5°C, that day. In the footage of his attempt, Rob is seen complaining that the task involves moving freezing cold water from one bucket to another, noting that there is ice forming on the surface. He takes the colander, submerges it in the bucket, and walks a few paces with it before pointing out that it’s not going to work because of the holes. He throws the wooly hat to Alex, for him to wear. He then starts giggling, and when Alex asks what’s wrong, he explains that he’d farted because he was so cold. Rob returns to trying to use the colander, this time putting it on top of the tray and walking with both to bucket ‘B’. He then spots someone’s discarded disposable coffee cup, and decides to use that instead. In the studio, Greg questions Rob on whether he always farts when he gets cold, and Rob explains that he was sleep deprived, as he’d recently become a father. Greg shares that he himself tenses up when he’s cold, and then asks Alex if he also farts when he’s cold. Alex claims that he’s actually never farted. When asking Alex how Rob had done in the task, Greg refers to him as “old Farty Ice-Pop”, which Alex immediately abbreviates to “The F.I.P.” (thus coining the episode title), while reporting that he’d managed to complete five trips with the cup, moving 6.6 centimetres of water. Rob earns second place.
- Sara immediately puts the hat on, then smashes the coconut on the ground and eats a little of it. She then dips the hosepipe into the water and sucks some up into it, exclaiming that it tastes “disgusting”. Getting frustrated that all of the equipment supplied is useless, Sara states that she’s not going to just transport a tiny bit of water in the coconut. She is then seen doing exactly that. She completes eight trips with the coconut and moves just 0.8 centimetres of water. Then, with just 20 seconds left on the clock, she asks Alex if he’ll move the bucket for her, noting that the task brief only stated that she wasn’t allowed to move it herself. Alex tells her that he won’t be moving the bucket for anyone, in this task. However, when it is later revealed that he’d moved the bucket for Al, Sara is naturally furious and, as a result, Greg awards her a bonus point. She therefore earns fourth place, but gets a total of 3 points.
- Dave throws the coconut at the ground, but it doesn’t break. He tries to use the tape to cover up the holes in the colander, and also sucks up some water into the hosepipe, before running to bucket ‘B’ carrying water in both items. He then empties the hosepipe and discards the colander on the grass. He continues back and forth with just the hosepipe, completing more trips than anyone else, and apparently moving 7.8 centimetres of water in total. However, it is then revealed that the water in David’s bucket ‘B’ was somewhat murkier than everyone else’s. When questioned about this, Dave claims that it was because of the way he was sucking up the water into the hose, which had meant some bile had come up. However, footage from another camera is then shown, revealing that he’d sneakily poured some of his own tea into the bucket, as he left the scene of the task. He is therefore disqualified for cheating.
- Al immediately identifies that the task brief says that he may not move the bucket, but that this doesn’t rule out Alex doing it for him. Alex initially declines to do so, saying that he doesn’t want to because it’s too cold. Al then pulls his wallet out and says he’s got £115 in cash that might warm Alex up. He is then seen waving money in front of Alex, enticing him along the track with the bucket. In the studio, Sara and Greg are visible shocked, while Al is ecstatic and waves his arms above his head triumphantly. Alex, rightly, holds his head in shame. Back at the track, Alex stops after a short distance and asks Al if he can have £10, before he carries on. He then says he’s not going to put it right next to the other bucket, but he does walk it a little bit closer. Al runs back to the starting point and retrieves the hosepipe, then offers Alex another £20 to hold the bucket ‘A’ up so that he can syphon the water out of it, and into bucket ‘B’, using the hose. Al transfers over 11 centimetres of water altogether. In the studio, Alex confirms that he’d received a total of £80 in cash for helping Al out, and so Greg suggests that the money should go to charity. Rob disagrees, and suggests instead that he and the other contestants should get £20 each. In the end, it is agreed that £60 will go to a dolphin charity, and £20 will go to Rob. Also, as a punishment, Greg tells Alex to remove the shoe and sock from his right foot for the remainder of the episode. Greg decides not to penalise Al, and awards him 5 points.
(Source credit: JoGo)