The most handsome relative

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Bring in a photo of the most handsome relative.
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Paul brings in a photo of a person whom he describes as his “father’s son” and his “sister’s brother” (i.e. himself, at a younger age). When Greg points out that it’s clearly a photo of Paul, Paul claims that it’s not him, that the person in the photo could be living in a parallel universe, and that it had been taken when he had “hopes and dreams”. He earns just one point.
- Sara brings in a photo of what she introduces as her “half-sister”, but which turns out to be her mum’s cat, Pebbles. Greg question whether she is related to the cat, and Sara argues that adopted siblings are still your siblings. However, Greg says that he thinks Pebbles “looks like a bit of a prick”, and he awards Sara just one point.
- Al brings in a black-and-white photo of his grandfather, Sir Francis Ralph Hay Murray, which had been taken while he was working at the Foreign Office in the 1940s. Paul claims that he knows Sir Ralph, joking that he’d been the person who’d let Paul’s family into the country. Al earns four points.
- Rob claims that he couldn’t bring in any photos of his actual family members, as they are all “mug shots” (i.e. photos taken of people by the police, when they’re arrested). Instead, he brings in a photo of the actor James Earl Jones. He explains that when he was at school, and a bit fatter, the other children had told him that he looked like James Earl Jones, and then when he’d told his mother about this, she went along with it, claiming that the actor was his uncle, because she thought it was funny. He earns three points.
- Dave brings in a picture of the Hollywood actor, Cary Grant. Although Greg doubts that they are actually related, Alex displays a family tree which indicates that Cary Grant’s cousin had married Dave’s great-grandmother’s niece. Dave earns five points.
(Source credit: JoGo)