Move water from one bucket to another

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Move the water from bucket A to bucket B.
You must not move the buckets.
Most water moved wins.
You have 10 minutes.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- After looking through the provided items, Pedro declares that he knows exactly what to do, but that it will take most of his time. He begins using the tape to line the tray, lecturing Nuno about the importance of preparation. Once he’s finally made the tray waterproof, he scoops as much water as he can into it, and walks it down to the bucket. Pedro transfers 3.584 litres of water and earns fourth place.
- Toy empties the bag of peas into the tray (in the studio, he mentions that he dislikes food waste), and uses the bag to transport water. On one of his runs, Toy also uses the bag that has the plastic hole in it, simply by carrying the bag upside down. Toy ultimately transfers 10.5 litres of water, which normally would put him in first place. However, in the studio, Nuno reveals footage showing that during one of his rounds, Toy filled the empty pea bag with water by picking up the bucket and pouring. Toy is disqualified.
- Gilmário sucks as much water as he can into the hose, and sprints down to the bucket, depositing some water. This is the only method he uses, relying on his athleticism to be able to make many trips between the buckets. Gilmário transfers 10.265 litres of water and wins the task.
- While trying to think of a better method, Jessica uses the small cup and the sponge to run water across to the empty bucket. When she is informed that the water is safe to drink, she continues this method, also carrying some water in her mouth. After a few rounds, Jessica moves on to filling the hose with as much water as possible, also carrying water in her mouth. Jessica transfers 3.970 litres of water and earns third place.
- Inês initially attempts to suck some water into the hose, but abandons it in favour of carrying water in the bag (which she carries upside down), the small cup, the coconut – which she has broken as close to one end as possible, giving her as much empty space inside as possible – and her mouth. At the end of her task, she is visibly angry at Nuno for the useless items provided to help move the water. Inês moves 6.223 litres of water and earns second place.
(Source credit: Jenny R)