
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Transport a coconut as far as possible

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Transport this coconut the furthest away from here.

You can't directly touch the floor.

You may not step on any surface more than once, and the coconut may not travel by car.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jessica grabs a box of tissues and steps on individual tissues to make her way outside. However, once outside, she realises that all it will take is a gust of wind to disturb her method. She then realises that she can enlist Nuno, but stops her thought process there as she concentrates on placing enough tissues on the ground to reach the grass, which she successfully does. Once on the grass, she walks to Nuno’s caravan, looking for roller skates (presumably her logic is that the roller skates would provide enough of a barrier that she could claim she was not touching the ground). She realises she cannot go back on the grass, so exits through the window of the caravan, stepping on a curtain she tore from the window. From the curtain, Jessica goes back to her tissue walking method, and ultimately gets as far as the shed before she loses her balance (dropping the coconut) and landing on the grass. Nuno declares that the coconut was thrown, so her attempt is valid. Jessica’s coconut travels 24.3m, and she earns fourth place.
  • Gilmário grabs as many pillows as he can, and uses them to get outside. Once he runs out of pillows, he realises that he can use Nuno, and climbs on his back. Nuno walks as far as he can; when it’s clear that Nuno has reached his limit, Gilmário throws the coconut, which rolls a fair distance away from the two men. Gilmário’s coconut travels 126.1m, and he earns third place.
  • Inês steps onto a separate carpet in the starting room to grab some pillows. This is unfortunate, as not only does this mean she cannot reach some other pillows she had planned to use, but she has also left the coconut on the starting table. After Nuno refuses to throw the coconut to her, Inês uses a leopard print blanket from a nearby trunk to smack the coconut off of the table; thankfully, it rolls in her direction and she is able to pick it up. Inês grabs another blanket from the trunk, as well as a few magazines and pillows, and makes her way outside – she uses half of her allotted time just leaving the room. Ironically, Inês does not need to take all these items with her, as she uses a decent method of holding a sheet and shuffling along with it, thereby enabling her to travel at a decent pace without touching the ground. She does eventually realise this, and abandons the cushions; once she does so, she is able to see where she is going, and begins jogging away from the house, still on the blanket. When she reaches the front gates of the property, Inês tears pages from the magazines to allow her to pass through the gate and walk down the street; however, she runs out of time before she can leave, and chucks the coconut over the gate at the last second. Inês' coconut travels 239.4m, and she earns second place.
  • Before she even reads the task, Rita declares that Nuno will be helping her in this task. Sure enough, Rita immediately hops onto Nuno’s back, riding him as he crawls out of the starting room and outside. When Nuno refuses to crawl on the stone walkways, Rita stands on the doormat and has Nuno fetch her some pillows. She gets the bright idea to keep one foot on each pillow and shuffle away from the house. She reaches the gate, where Nuno informs her that he does not have the key to open it. Despite having four minutes left, Rita decides to throw the coconut over the fence. Rita’s coconut travels 246.2m, and she wins the task.
  • Toy does not understand the rules of the task. He alternates between two pillows to make his way across the starting room. When he gets outside, he gets the bright idea to keep one foot on each pillow and shuffle away from the house. Toy actually travels a fair distance using this method, even managing to jog – which is somewhat impressive, as there is nothing actually connecting the pillows to his feet – and manages to reach the gate. Toy shoves the pillows through the gate before climbing over it (Nuno does not have the key to open it), landing once again on the same pillows he started with. Still unaware that he is traveling for nothing, Toy continues his pillow-shuffling method away from the house, until he comes across a member of the public, by whom he asks to be carried – the man does, but not before Toy accidentally steps on the ground. The man carries Toy to a nearby forklift and places him down on it. Toy does not throw the coconut, instead making the forklift the coconut’s ending destination. Toy’s coconut travels 306.7m; however, Vasco reminds everyone of the rules of the task, which Toy broke (several times). Vasco still awards Toy a point, in celebration of the man who carried Toy to the forklift.

(Source credit: Jenny R)