
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the watermelon end up furthest from Olli

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the watermelon end up furthest from Olli.

You may not touch or move either the melon or Olli.

Olli will release the melon in 20 minutes.

After this, you may not affect the movement of the melon.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Amir lays a tarp on some wooden supports and a barrel, below the watermelon. He tests what will happen using a basketball, while holding onto the opposite corner of the tarp. In his actual attempt, holds onto the tarp and uses the water from a hose to propel the watermelon towards the pool, in which it lands. Because he clearly affected the watermelon after its release, he is disqualified.
  • Einar creates a track attached to a walker below the watermelon. He wraps some tape around the watermelon, attaches string to the roll of tape, and then puts the end of the string in a cement mixer so that the string will wind up and pull the watermelon. Unfortunately, when Olli drops the watermelon, it misses the track completely, and the cement mixer rotates a few times before coming to a stop. Einar gets so frustrated that he kicks the watermelon, which counts as him affecting the fruit after its release, and so he is disqualified.
  • Ida sets up some loose pipes, resting on an upright pallet below the watermelon, to act as a chute. She is very confident in her plan but, when Olli releases the watermelon, the pipes just separate and the watermelon bounces off the pallet, travelling just 1 metre. Ida blames Olli for her failure to attach the pipes together, and earns third place.
  • Steinar sets up a chute by attaching two pipes together and resting them on a barrel below the watermelon. He also adds another pipe as a barrier at the bottom of the chute, to guide the watermelon towards the pool. He has his doubts that it will go very far but, when the watermelon is released, it rolls perfectly down the chute, along the guides, and smashes on the wooden decking around the pool. Steinar is overjoyed with his result, and he earns first place so cleanly that his distance is not even disclosed.
  • Solveig spends 14 minutes holding a trowel and reading the task, with no idea of how to complete it. Olli repeatedly tells her where he’s going to drop the watermelon, to her annoyance. Eventually, he hints that she may want to stop it falling straight down when released. Initially she believes she must dig down below the watermelon to make it travel further, but then she eventually stumbles upon the idea of making a chute for it instead. She places some pipes on a barrel at a fairly shallow angle. When the watermelon is released, one of the pipes falls off the barrel, and the watermelon bounces off of it, causing it to roll just 2 metres. However, this is far enough to secure Solveig second place in the task.

(Source credit: Will G)