
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill the glass with milk

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Fill the glass with as much milk as possible.

The one with the most milk wins.

If the glass overflows, it's over.

You have 43 seconds.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Steinar does an exhaustive search of the table, checking the plate, flowers, and vase, before he attempts to fill the cup. He doesn’t lift up the milk entirely, but tips on its base to pour the milk. He earns second place.
  • Before the task, Ida asks what happens if milk is spilled. Throughout the task, she is very careful, and tries not to get her hands soaked. She repeatedly pours a little milk, and then gently checks its level each time with her fingers, making sure that it hasn’t overflowed. However, during her last few attempts to pour the milk, she misses the glass completely, and pours it directly onto the tablecloth. She earns third place.
  • Amir doesn’t ask a question before the task, but Olli says his name anyway. He instantly knocks his cup over, then picks it up and puts his hand in it. He then puts his hand in the milk. He proceeds to pour the milk into the cup without too much care, and the cup overflows early on. He spends the rest of his time exploring the table with his hands, and ends his attempt by putting his hand in the milk, and then drinking it off of his hand. He earns last place.
  • Before the time begins, Einar asks if they need to make the milk themselves. He picks up the milk and the cup at the same time, one in each hand, and nearly fills the cup before placing them back on the table. He spends the rest of his time exploring the set blindfolded, until he comes across one of the candelabras on the wall, which he fiddles with until the light goes off. He earns first place in the task.
  • Solveig begins the task normally, filling the cup to a decent height with milk. However, after she has done this, she explores the table and discovers the flower vase. Because the show has made her very paranoid, she comes to the conclusion that the vase may be what actually contains the milk, and she therefore removes the flowers from the vase, pours all of her milk back into the container, and then refills her cup with the water from the vase. Because her glass is mostly filled with water, she ends up in fourth place.

(Source credit: Will G)