Episode 1: Did you see the rainbow?

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the thing they most want to get rid of, prevent Markl from scoring a goal, sort a collection of objects with their faces, have the longest telephone conversation, have an argument, strike an item the farthest, and blindly fill a glass with water.
The guest contestant in this episode is Cândido Costa.
Title context
Jessica Athayde asked her astrologist friend “Did you see the rainbow?” during the ‘Have the longest telephone conversation’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
Good evening, good evening! Welcome to Taskmaster! Yes, it's true. The programme that has made Portuguese families sit all together in front of the television... is back! And if in the first season we had squashed watermelons, ice cubes attacked by sheep, an Angolan Darth Vader, and a scream that the whole country adopted as its own... Given we had all this in season 1, now in season 2, we can finally turn Taskmaster into a mature, dignified and serious programme. No, it's even worse. But some things don't change. We have an extraordinary prize again: my head. Not in the literal sense, because I'm kind of using it now, but instead, this wonderful golden version that proves that the taxpayers' money has never been put to greater use. Thank you for that. Don't forget that... this bust can be yours. Just phone the number on the banner below. Cost: 60 cents, plus VAT.
Contestant Intros
Born in July 1989, she’s 160cm tall, has green eyes, hates to lose, and loves to sing ‘Let it Go’ from ‘Frozen’. And that’s what I always tell her, when she doesn’t win an episode: ‘Let it go.’ Yet, she insults me anyway. It’s Inês Aires Pereira!
Born in Angola in June 1985, he’s 180cm tall, and is trained in International Relations and Political Analysis. Likes to eat muamba chicken, but he doesn’t really go into the kitchen. Why? Because he likes it to look clean, and that’s why it’s best to not even step into it. It’s Gilmário Vemba!
Born in December 1985, she’s 172cm tall, has brown eyes, speaks four languages, and her teenage crush is the actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who never really cared back for her. His loss, but a friend of mine’s gain. Jessica Athayde!
Born in February 1963 in Sétubal, he is a man who loves a lot of things. He loves to eat well, he loves to see people happy, he loves his Vitória FC, loves Daniela, and the truth – let’s face it – is that we all love him too. Show your love for Toy!
Note: Daniela is Toy’s wife.
Born in April 1981 in São João de Madeira, he is an old football star, and now a television star. He started as a commentator on football and transfers, but the fact that he’s able to tell stories like few in this country can made him transfer to Channel 11, where he has a wonderful show called ‘Cândido On Tour’, where he travels all over the country. Today, the roads have brought him here to Taskmaster, and gosh darn it, I couldn’t be happier. Ladies and gentlemen, Cândido Costa!
Note: Cândido played for several different football clubs during his career, primarily as a right winger. At one point, he played for Toy’s beloved Vitória FC.
Assistant Intro
Ladies and gentlemen, the man who thought that being a task referee would be easy money, until he realised that this job would mean he’d get home every day with a hurt back and wishing for an early retirement. Show your love for Nuno Markl!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
If your opponents want to score, and you’re filled with dread,
Distract the referee, and lock him in the shed.
In a hut full of things, perhaps you’ll smell mould.
’Oh my god! What a cute dog to behold!’
If you join a discussion, keep an eye out,
For gibberish words that finish the bout (DICE!)
Keep the house clean, from the bottom to the top,
You can always count on the amazing human mop!
Episode trailer
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Portuguese Credit: RTP