
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Simon receives a drawing on a fax machine

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Simon immediately realises that he can send a fax via an app, so he pivots his thinking to earning the bonus point for the best drawing; he phones Rasmus Rafael and asks for a drawing of Lasse Rimmer. While waiting for the drawing, Simon tests the app by faxing a picture of himself and Mark. Simon loses time earning enough credits in an advertising game so he can send the fax for free from the app, but eventually he is able to fax the picture of Lasse – which is squashed near the top of the page, instead of taking the whole page. After another try, Simon finally receives a fax with a correctly-proportioned drawing of Lasse. It is determined that Simon’s time will be marked by the first fax he received, despite the fact that it was not properly formatted. Simon receives a fax in 41 minutes and earns third place, but also earns the bonus point for best drawing. NOTE: In the studio, Simon reveals that his phone reception wasn’t the best at the location where the task was filmed, and he learned afterwards that Rasmus felt Simon had pressured him into accepting a lower rate for the drawing (when Simon was just trying to understand what he was saying). To make amends, Simon commissioned Rasmus to create a portrait of the entire cast, framed copies of which he presents to his fellow competitors, as well as to Lasse and Mark. The picture references Simon’s attempt at the meatball task, Jonas drinking endless amounts of coffee, Sofie’s attempt at the ‘Don’t blink’ task, Linda with a cake (either a reference to the cake decoration or cake destroying tasks), and Tobias’ attempt at the ‘Make a thought-provoking movie’ task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores