
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tobias celebrates an emerald wedding anniversary

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Tobias, backed by guitarist Felix Diarra, writes a song for the couple, based on a few things said during the interview (most notably, when Steffen was asked about being tempted by other women, Steffen responded “You can’t control whether a bird lands on your head, but you can make sure it does not build a nest”), but largely drawn from a letter Steffen had written to Inge during his time as a soldier in the Cold War, which he had loaned to Tobias. The translated lyrics to the song are as follows: “My thoughts go to Inge. They go back and forth. / They say bombs are coming, so I keep my eyes on Moscow. / Maybe a little bird lands on top of a soldier’s head. / But as long as it does not build a nest, Inge-girl says it’s okay. / That shit is love, it’s real, it’s honesty. / All that Inge-girl lives with is love and tolerance. / Yeah, it’s just respect for the distance. / Would love to eat at home with you but sometimes I end up on the station. / Such is the case with men on the go. / I'm in the military to fill up the bank and give you a child and a house along the way. / More kids, bigger house along the way, Inge. / Inge. Inge, you are my angel. / There is no one like Inge. / There is no one like Inge. / No, no, there’s only Inge. / No one like Inge. No one like Inge. / Maybe we’ll be lucky to have grandchildren one day, / And watch love spread like rings in the water. / Inge-girl, take my word. Will you take me again? I will never go back. / But there’s a ship from the Soviet Union approaching land. / I have to go back to my job. / Kiss, kiss, from your husband. / Kiss, kiss, to Inge. / Inge, you are my angel. / There is no one like Inge.” Tobias wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores