
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Do something that crosses a line

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Do something that crosses a line in 10 seconds.

You have 20 minutes to prepare.

The most significant line-crossing wins.

If you violate TV2's broadcasting guidelines you will be disqualified.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Linda decides to have Mark cross a boundary by stripping naked and hugging a cactus. Mark refuses, and Linda spends the majority of her allotted time trying to convince him to do so. When Mark mentions that her time is running out, Linda shoves Mark onto the ground and attempts to pull off his clothes, before dragging the cactus on top of him. Linda earns last place.
  • Jonas decides to cross a personal boundary, and eat cheese. When presented with a large plate of cheese, Jonas looks visibly nauseous, and gags when he eats a piece of cheese. It takes a while, but eventually Jonas manages to swallow his bite of cheese. In the studio, Mark reveals that Jonas has such a dislike of cheese that his contract rider [a list of personal requests that must be met] only has two requests: coffee, and “NO CHEESE WITH LUNCH, THANK YOU”. Jonas earns second place.
  • Simon decides to interpret the task literally, and drive across the border between Denmark and Sweden. He comes close to running out of time, but he and Mark do manage to cross over into Sweden. Simon earns fourth place.
  • Sofie reveals that she took dance lessons for a year, and that there exists a video of her doing interpretive dance. She decides that the boundary to be crossed is to make an embarrassing private video public, and tells Mark to air it in the studio. Sofie’s dancing isn’t awful, but it isn’t particularly good; Sofie says that her embarrassment of it all likely stems from being “22 and so pretentious”. Sofie earns third place.
  • Tobias thinks about the task, and asks Mark if he’s ever kissed a man before revealing that he himself has not. Tobias and Mark are shown brushing their teeth and sharing a drink in preparation, before Tobias kisses Mark – rather passionately. Tobias wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)