
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone boots, bowls, throws, propels, and flicks

In the first round, Luke opts to bowl the bowl, Nina and Jimmy opt to throw the throw, and Danielle and Julia opt to boot the boot. Jimmy’s bowl rolls around in an ever-decreasing spiral, and ends up coming to rest further from the edge of the stage than anyone else's item, so he is eliminated first.

In the second round, Nina opts to boot the boot, Jimmy and Julia opt to propel the propeller, and Danielle opts to throw the throw. Nina manages to kick her boot in such a way that it travels sideways, and ends up the furthest item from the edge of the stage, so she is eliminated second.

In the third round, Jimmy opts to flick the 'flick', Danielle opts to propel the propeller, and Julia opts to throw the throw. Jimmy’s DVD ends up as the item furthest from the edge of the stage, so he is eliminated third.

In the fourth and final round, Danielle and Julia both opt to flick the 'flick'. Danielle’s DVD ends up being furthest from the edge of the stage, so she is eliminated fourth, and Julia wins the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by David Fuller and adjusted by Karl Craven)