
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle flies a thong

Danielle decides to glue some googly eyes to her flip-flop. She then attaches a bunch of matches to the back of it, apparently assuming that the heat from the flames will somehow propel the flip-flop through the air.

She says she plans to send her flip-flop all the way up into space, on to 'Planet X', and then back to Earth.

Lighting the matches with a gas lighter, she then 'flies' the flip-flop around on the balcony with her hand, before it is seen (through the magic of green-screen) soaring away from the house and up into space.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson initially questions the use of camera trickery, but then turns his focus to the existence of 'Planet X' instead.

Tom Cashman breaks the news to Danielle that the scientific community regards 'Planet X' as a 'hypothetical concept' [indeed, it was a theoretical ninth planet in the solar system - beyond the orbit of Neptune - the existence of which has since been disproved].

Tom Gleeson asks Tom Cashman how far away a 'hypothetical concept' is, when you're 'pretending' to travel there, and the answer they arrive at is zero metres. Danielle therefore earns last place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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