
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luke performs a cricket appeal

Luke decides that he wants other players on the field with him, as he makes his appeal, so places a model of a bird on the mailbox as the wicket keeper, a plastic suit of armour as the batsman (with the cricket bat tied to its arm), and a plastic giraffe as a fielder.

He ties string to both the giraffe and armour, intending to animate them by tugging on the string. After bowling at the batter, he tugs on his strings, but none of it works as he had planned, and he ends up knocking down the giraffe with a flying kick, before shouting "Howzat?!".

However, Tom Cashman denies his appeal, reminding him that it can only begin when the ball hits the mannequin's pads. Luke therefore gets a do-over on his appeal, but can't find the cricket ball, so has to use a piece of fruit instead.

The second attempt doesn't really go to plan either, but it at least counts, and no giraffes get kicked over.

In the studio, though, Tom Cashman points out that all of the props used were somewhat extraneous to the task, which was being judged on the passion of the appeal.

A shorter clip of Luke's attempt is then shown, including just his call of "Howzat?!", with its limited passion. Tom Gleeson therefore awards him fourth place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores