
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Inês transports a coconut

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Inês steps onto a separate carpet in the starting room to grab some pillows. This is unfortunate, as not only does this mean she cannot reach some other pillows she had planned to use, but she has also left the coconut on the starting table. After Nuno refuses to throw the coconut to her, Inês uses a leopard print blanket from a nearby trunk to smack the coconut off of the table; thankfully, it rolls in her direction and she is able to pick it up. Inês grabs another blanket from the trunk, as well as a few magazines and pillows, and makes her way outside – she uses half of her allotted time just leaving the room. Ironically, Inês does not need to take all these items with her, as she uses a decent method of holding a sheet and shuffling along with it, thereby enabling her to travel at a decent pace without touching the ground. She does eventually realise this, and abandons the cushions; once she does so, she is able to see where she is going, and begins jogging away from the house, still on the blanket. When she reaches the front gates of the property, Inês tears pages from the magazines to allow her to pass through the gate and walk down the street; however, she runs out of time before she can leave, and chucks the coconut over the gate at the last second. Inês' coconut travels 239.4m, and she earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores