
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hani is haunted during another task

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Hani claims to have documented an actual paranormal experience, while filming another task. Olli claims not to have much memory of the incident. In the film, Hani is seen finishing reading the end of a task brief in the lab, with a  bowl full of uninflated balloons in front of her. As she begins to solve the unspecified task, a hand is seen pressed against the plastic sheeting behind her, and she spins around, startled by the sound or by sensing a presence, but does not spot it. After returning to the task at hand, the lights flicker off for a moment, and Olli disappears from view. His face then appears, pressed against the plastic behind Hani, who says that she can feel something in her "whole body". As she turns round to look at where Olli should be standing, he suddenly reappears, holding his hands up as if about to grab something. When questioned about what he is doing, he claims not to know what she is talking about. Hani expresses that she thinks she is losing her mind, as two hands can again be seen pressing against the plastic behind her. She decides to quit the task and leave the lab, refusing to shake Olli's proffered hand, since she is so freaked out. As she exits the lab, Olli's head snaps into an unnatural position, and he stares at the camera, his face changing appearance, and making him resemble a zombie. In the studio, Bård says he feels something, but can't decide if it's fear or sadness. Olli suggests that it could be embarrassment, and Bård agrees. Hani insists that, if he had been there, he would have peed himself. Bård awards her third place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores