
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everybody plays service bell helmet tag

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

In the first round, Karin panics and flails her arms around rapidly before getting down on the floor and crawling around on all fours for a while. She then stands back up and is engaged in a short flail-off with Hani, before Hani locates and rings Karin's bell first. In the second round, Hani gets involved in a minor skirmish with Lars, but he uses his height advantage to evade her reach, and eliminates her from the game by ringing her bell. Lars takes full advantage of his height throughout the game, keeping his back straight and reaching out with his arms, waving them up and down in the hopes of finding someone's bell. At one point in the third round, Lars has gone so long without encountering anyone that he asks out loud whether the game has stopped. Leo is thus able to locate him from his voice, and reaches towards his face, but is ultimately blocked by Lars. Leo is fairly mobile during the game, wandering around and switching between defending his own bell with his hands, and reaching around to locate other people. Lars and Leo get into a couple of skirmishes during the third round, but Leo escapes both times. However, Lars then appears to sense that Leo is close by, and brings his arm directly down onto his bell, eliminating him from the game. Vidar's strategy throughout the game seems to be to assume strange postures and move erratically around the space. This ultimately works out for him, as he spends much of his time crouched down, slightly below the level of his opponents' roving hands. Vidar makes it to the fourth round, which he begins by standing on one leg and with his arms in the air, as if he is about to perform a crane kick (like in Karate Kid). After Lars eventually locates his position, there is a certain amount of flapping at one another before Vidar takes evasive action, squatting low and moving away to one side. However, Lars again moves towards him, flailing his arms, until the two collide. Lars is then able to locate Vidar's lowered head, and seizes hold of it, repeatedly ringing Vidar's bell in victory, while holding his head against his crotch. Lars thus wins the game.

(Written by Karl Craven)