
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nina's most successful sounds are redacted

For her 'snap', Nina decides to snap a twig in two. However, she is not satisfied with her first attempt and, forgetting that only her first go counts (despite having just stated out loud how helpful it is to re-read the task brief), repeats the process with another twig. Although the second go is apparently much more satisfying, no-one gets to hear it, as the sound is redacted in her video.

For her 'crackle', she initially crumbles something (perhaps popcorn?) in her hands, in the kitchen. She then shelves that idea, and has a second go in the study, crinkling a plastic package which appears to contain pipe-cleaners. Again, the second, more satisfying sound is redacted from the video.

For her 'pop' she initially creates the sound by using her finger against her mouth. She again dismisses this first attempt as unsatisfactory, and instead has a second go at making a 'pop' by pulling the stopper out of a crystal decanter. Again, she prefers her second noise but, again, it is redacted from the video. She even has a second attempt at the decanter, to improve on the sound, but this is also heard by no-one except the production crew.

In the studio, Tom Cashman confirms that her final attempts at all three sounds were really good, but that she is stuck with the attempts that she thought were shit. Tom Gleeson awards her fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores