
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nina covers the whole world in yeast spread

Nina decides to cover a globe with the yeast spread. She suggests that if the whole world was covered in yeast spread, this issue might unite humanity in search of a solution to a common problem. She applies such a thick layer over its entire surface that its rotating mechanism stops working.

After receiving the second task brief, she first takes the globe down to the bathtub in the garden, which has a small amount of water in the bottom.

She uses a spatula to scrape most of the yeast spread off the globe and into the bath but, as the bath water turns brown and chunky, the process starts to make her feel ill.

She then takes the globe down to the edge of the pond, to wash off most of the remaining spread.

As Tom asks her how she thinks it went, in comparison to other tasks she had completed at the pond, a camera shot reveals that her bowling ball from the 'Sink the bowling ball' task (shown earlier in this very episode) is still floating at the edge of the water, very close to where she is standing.

In the studio, Nina cannot stress enough just how much the chunks of yeast spread in the bath resembled lumps of actual shit.

Tom Cashman shares that she took 11 minutes and 8 seconds to clean the globe, which earns her fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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