
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle and Julia recreate scenes from history

Danielle and Julia's first historical event is the assassination of JFK. Julia starts off by saying the word 'grass' which Tom Gleeson quickly points out has five letters (she later claims that she was saying 'gräs', which Tom accepts).

Julia then impersonates JFK, waving from his open-topped vehicle, while Danielle plays the assassin, shooting him while saying "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" (thus coining the episode's title).

After Tom Gleeson identifies the event correctly, their second event to recreate is the final shoot-out of the Australian outlaw Ned Kelly. Julia gestures to her head and says the words "iron" and "head", and then Danielle reprises her role as a shooter, repeating her catchphrase of "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" as she guns Ned down.

After Tom correctly identifies the event, the next event they have to recreate is Y2K (the year 2000). Julia starts by saying "2000" (which I guess has four characters, though not letters) and then miming 'Y2K' with her posture and hand gestures. Danielle chips in by repeating the word "bugs" several times (referring to the Millennium Bug), Julia tries the phrase "happ newy year", and then Danielle follows up with another "bugs".

Tom eventually catches on and identifies the event, giving the team three correct answers just before their time runs out. This earns the pair of them three points each.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)