
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nikki and Henrik have trouble communicating

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Henrik immediately speaks into the walkie-talkie, and Nikki quickly finds the walkie-talkie hidden on the chess board. However, either Nikki’s part of the walkie-talkie is malfunctioning, or she doesn’t know how to use a walkie-talkie, as every time she says something to Henrik, the things he hears from her are either broken up or static-y. Henrik begins by telling Nikki that there is a word he is not allowed to say, but she needs to. Nikki immediately responds with “orange”. Henrik asks Nikki what is on the flag during Pride, and Nikki replies “rainbow”, then asks if that was all (presumably she thinks that was the riddle). Henrik tells her that one of them needs to look like Charlie Chaplin, and that he doesn’t have anything where he is that can accomplish that. Nikki immediately locates the hat and moustache, and puts them on. She also finds her puzzle pieces very soon after she is told about the map with the X on it. The two put their puzzles together, but have trouble conveying the code to each other. Eventually, they are able to translate the riddle, but fall into the riddle’s trap and say that the answer is 6. Henrik and Nikki incorrectly solve the riddle in 35 minutes 13 seconds, so even though they were faster than the other team, they lose the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores