
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Måns’ kidnapped catch

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Måns grabs a bucket of rubber ducks from the shed and puts them in a van that presumably belongs to the production. He and David drive to a nearby busy road, and Måns tells David to block the road parallel to it [it seems to be a pull-off lane that joins back with the main road after a short distance] with the rubber ducks. David stands behind the rubber duck barricade with a megaphone, instructing people to stop. A woman on a bike stops to ask what is going on, and Måns informs her (in English) that they need to “capture” her. She declines, and rides away. Soon, someone pulls off the road to turn their car around, and Måns informs the man (Kåre) that they will not be allowed to do that. Måns pulls Kåre out of his car and proceeds to wrap him up in chains, insisting that “rules must be followed.” When Kåre confirms that he knows who Måns is, David replies that it is a relief, otherwise the whole situation would be uncomfortable. Måns loads Kåre into the back of the van and drives back to the Bäst i Test house. Måns puts a net on Kåre’s head to indicate that he has been caught, and to make it spectacular, Måns places a rubber duck on the ground in front of Kåre and sets it on fire. Babben awards Måns first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores