
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luke guesses some passwords

Luke starts out well, guessing the passwords 'rose', 'Terminator 2', 'Blink-182', 'dolphin', and 'politics', all of which are accepted.

However, he then gets stuck on a theme, guessing 'The Matrix Reloaded', 'The Matrix Resurrections', 'The Matrix', and 'The Matrix: Path of Neo', all of which are declined.

Accepted subsequent passwords include 'frogs', 'Xbox Series X', 'God of War III', and 'Elephant', but he occasionally returns to guessing 'The Matrix' again.

Unsuccessful guesses include 'sunburn', 'sunscreen', and 'bananas'.

For the 24th password, he tells Tom to picture the password in his mind, and then claims that as a correct guess for himself, picking up the rose and stepping forwards to the next.

At this point, the only letters he has not used are 'K', 'Q', and 'Z'.

He guesses 'my mum', and then asks whether his mother had anything to do with coming up with the passwords, stating that its "exactly the sort of thing mum would do".

He then gets stuck on another running theme, guessing 'poo', 'poos', and 'poop', and apparently enjoying making Tom snigger at his choices.

Stuck on the last couple of passwords, Luke challenges Tom to a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, and Tom agrees to give him the password if he wins. When he does win, Tom shares that an example of a correct password would be 'zebra' which he then repeats, and is accepted.

In the studio, Tom Cashman reveals that Luke made 289 guesses, 17 of which related to The Matrix franchise.

However, it is also revealed that during Luke's attempt, he had accidentally thrown two of his roses away while gesturing wildly with the hand that was holding them.

He is therefore disqualified from the task for not having delivered all 26 roses.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores