
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lars does not understand the task

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Lars again has trouble reading the wording of one of the task briefs. He decides that the die mini-task is going to take a long time, so starts with that one, rolling the die on the table to get two ones. Amazingly, he manages to complete this task within his first two rolls. He is happy about this until he realises that doesn't leave him enough time to complete the other tasks. He moves onto the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task and, unsurprisingly, does not have time to complete it. He restarts the task with the jigsaw puzzle mini-task, and completes it in nine seconds, but doesn't seem to realise that all of his previous work does not count, and that he will have to redo all of the others. He tries to roll two ones on the dice again, but runs out of time, and has to start over again. He starts his next attempt with the die task but initially forgets that he needs to roll two ones in a row, and has to be reminded by Olli before he can move on to the jigsaw puzzle. He very quickly completes the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task by dropping a handful of the beads onto a strand of spaghetti, covering it up (rather than threading them on individually). At this point, he realises that he has just six seconds to inflate and pop a balloon. In his panic, he fails to get much air into the balloon, and then fails to burst it by smashing it against the table. On his final attempt, he has similar issues with bursting the balloon, as he has not inflated it enough, but eventually tears it apart with his hands. He then completes the jigsaw puzzle mini-task with just a couple of seconds to spare, repeats his process of dropping a handful of beads onto the spaghetti, and then places the die, with the one face-up, twice in a row, to finally complete the task. In the studio, Olli reveals that Lars had completed the task in 9 minutes and 25 seconds, securing himself last place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores