
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Complete the tasks with increasing rapidity

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The main task brief is laid upon the table in the lab, in front of the four other mini task briefs. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Complete these tasks as quickly as possible.

Each task must be completed in less time than the previous task.

If you fail, you have to start all over again.

Your time starts now.

Finish the jigsaw puzzle.

Roll at least two ones in a row.

Inflate a balloon and then pop it.

Cover more than half of the spaghetti with Hama beads.

Task notes

  • Each mini task brief has its own associated items on the table: a bowl of Hama beads and some uncooked spaghetti; a small pile of balloons (a tank of helium appears to be available on request); a large wooden six-sided die; and a simple jigsaw puzzle.
  • Olli has two stopwatches: one for the contestants' overall times, and one for the mini task times.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Hani clearly understands the task, making sure to start with the mini-task that she thinks will take the longest (covering spaghetti in Hama beads), and taking her time over it. She reasons that the other contestants will probably mess up and have to restart the task several times, so she will still complete it the fastest. She then inflates a balloon using a tank of helium provided, before asking Olli to pop it for her. The third mini-task she attempts is solving the jigsaw puzzle which, again, she does not rush. Finally, she very quickly solves the mini-task with the die by simply placing it on the table twice, in quick succession, with the face featuring just one dot facing up. In the studio, Olli reveals that she completed the task in 4 minutes and 40 seconds, earning second place.
  • Vidar assumes that the mini-tasks have to be completed in the order they are presented to him on the table, from his left to his right. He appears to solve the jigsaw puzzle and roll two ones on the die, but runs out of time for the third mini-task just as he is bursting the balloon. He restarts the task, trying to complete the mini-tasks in the same order, and gets as far as the spaghetti and Hama beads one, but again runs out of time. Throwing Vidar a lifeline, Olli asks him which one he will start with on his third attempt. Vidar's realisation that he can complete them in any order he likes is accompanied by a string of curse words and a guttural scream. He then restarts the task by completing the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task first. He then appears to move on to the mini-task involving the die, rolling it repeatedly on the table until he achieves two ones. He then quickly inflates and pops a balloon before turning his attention to the jigsaw puzzle, which he just about manages to solve in time. In the studio, Olli reveals that Vidar's total time was 6 minutes and 13 seconds, which secures him fourth place.
  • Karin decides that the die mini-task is going to take a long time, so she starts with that one, repeatedly rolling the die on the table to get two ones. She eventually realises that she can just place the die down on the table with whatever result she wants, to complete the mini-task. Moving on to the jigsaw puzzle, she solves most of it but pauses before laying down the final pieces, to leave herself more time for the next mini-task. She then inflates and bursts a balloon. Her attempt at the spaghetti and Hama beads task is not shown. Olli reveals in the studio that she completed the task in 5 minutes and 48 seconds, earning third place.
  • Lars again has trouble reading the wording of one of the task briefs. He decides that the die mini-task is going to take a long time, so starts with that one, rolling the die on the table to get two ones. Amazingly, he manages to complete this task within his first two rolls. He is happy about this until he realises that doesn't leave him enough time to complete the other tasks. He moves onto the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task and, unsurprisingly, does not have time to complete it. He restarts the task with the jigsaw puzzle mini-task, and completes it in nine seconds, but doesn't seem to realise that all of his previous work does not count, and that he will have to redo all of the others. He tries to roll two ones on the dice again, but runs out of time, and has to start over again. He starts his next attempt with the die task but initially forgets that he needs to roll two ones in a row, and has to be reminded by Olli before he can move on to the jigsaw puzzle. He very quickly completes the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task by dropping a handful of the beads onto a strand of spaghetti, covering it up (rather than threading them on individually). At this point, he realises that he has just six seconds to inflate and pop a balloon. In his panic, he fails to get much air into the balloon, and then fails to burst it by smashing it against the table. On his final attempt, he has similar issues with bursting the balloon, as he has not inflated it enough, but eventually tears it apart with his hands. He then completes the jigsaw puzzle mini-task with just a couple of seconds to spare, repeats his process of dropping a handful of beads onto the spaghetti, and then places the die, with the one face-up, twice in a row, to finally complete the task. In the studio, Olli reveals that Lars had completed the task in 9 minutes and 25 seconds, securing himself last place.
  • Leo clearly understands the task. He decides to start with the spaghetti and Hama beads mini-task, which he assumes will take the longest. He then inflates and bursts a balloon, making sure to spend some time over it so that he has plenty of time to solve the jigsaw puzzle. He then very quickly completes the die mini-task by dropping the die on the table with the one side face-up, twice in quick succession. In the studio, Olli reveals that Leo completed the task in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds, securing first place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)